Anxiety is a common issue among pets and is being diagnosed more frequently as pet owners become more aware of the signs to look out for. The past few years have contributed to an increase in pet anxiety as many animals have become used to their owners being home all the time and may struggle to adjust when their owners return to work. There are several different types of anxiety that pets can experience, including separation anxiety, food-related anxiety, fear-based anxiety, aggressive anxiety, and territorial anxiety. These types of anxiety can often be interconnected and pets may experience a combination of them.
If you suspect that your dog or cat is experiencing anxiety, here are some signs to look out for:
Urinating or defecating in inappropriate areas
Reduced appetite
Destructive behaviour
Barking or growling
Difficulty settling
Excessive licking of one foot or paws
Cats may also display anxiety through hiding, urinating or defecating in inappropriate areas, hissing, excessive grooming (which may result in sores on their body), reduced appetite, and diarrhoea.
If you notice any of these signs in your pet, it’s important to reach out to us for help. A physical examination, blood test, or urine test may be necessary to determine the cause of your pet’s anxiety and develop a treatment plan. You can book online (link below) or call us at (02) 42614055 to discuss your options and start working towards getting your pet back to their happy, healthy self.