Dislocated Knee Caps
Dislocated/Luxating Knee Caps
Just like humans, dogs have knee caps (more technically known as the ‘patella’) and they can dislocate/luxate/pop out either traumatically or due to a genetic predisposition. The knee cap is supposed to sit in a groove at the bottom end of the thigh bone and is embedded in a ligament.
There are varying grades of luxation – ranging from in most of the time but can be popped out with manual force to sitting out permanently. The worse the grade the more signs you will notice at home with your dog – ranging from the occasional hop to constant lameness. If the knee cap luxates all the time eventually it wears down the bone causing it to sit out permanently with time.
Arthritis will develop in affected joints and worsen with time particularly if the knee cap continues to luxate.
If the injury happens traumatically – rest and pain relief can resolve the issue however if this has been happening on and off for a long time and your dog’s limp has become permanent, it is likely that surgery will be needed to ensure the best long-term outcome for your pet.
If you are concerned your pet has a dislocated knee cap. please contact us immediately.

Book an appointment today!
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