
Guinea Pig Care FAQs


Does my guinea pig need to be vaccinated?

No – guinea pigs do not require routine vaccination.


When can I have my guinea pig desexed?

Guinea pigs can be desexed from about 3 months of age as they reach puberty at quite a young age. People will commonly desex their males.

Can I have a discount on my guinea pig's desexing?

Unfortunately not as desexings are already done at a discounted price.

Does my guinea pig require ongoing pain relief after desexing?

It is not mandatory however they will experience some discomfort for at least a few days after surgery and therefore it is nice for them to have a few days of pain relief at home.

How long does my guinea pig need to be kept quiet after desexing?

Ideally, you should try to keep your guinea pig quiet until their stitches are removed – this is 10 days after surgery. We often use dissolvable stitches in guinea pigs so you may not need to bring them back however they should still be kept quiet for that period of time.


What should I feed my guinea pig?

Your guinea pig requires grass hay always (timothy, oaten, paddock, meadow or ryegrass hays) and fresh vegetables on a daily basis. Small quantities of good quality guinea pig pellets should also be offered. Guinea pigs require a dietary source of vitamin C – vegetables that contain this include broccoli, cabbage, celery, endive, beet/carrot tops, brussel sprouts, spinach leaves, bok choy. Treats high in vitamin c can also be offered – citrus fruits or kiwi fruits.

Guinea pigs produce 2 types of faeces and the one that is softer is re-eaten – they can eat up to 40% of their faeces.

Parasite Prevention

Do I need to give my guinea pig any regular worming, mite, lice protection?

Worming is not commonly necessary in guinea pig, revolution however can be used for mites, fleas and lice if needed.

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