
Puppy Care FAQs


How many vaccinations does my puppy need to have?

Your puppy should have 3 – 4 vaccinations 4 weeks apart – if they have their first vaccine at 6 weeks they will require 4, if they have their first vaccine at 8 weeks they will require 3  as they need to be 16 weeks old when they have their last parvo booster.

When can my puppy be walked in public areas?

Ideally, your puppy shouldn’t be walked in public areas until 10-14 days after their final vaccination booster. They can be around vaccinated dogs however before this time.

How often does my puppy need to be vaccinated?

Every 4 weeks until they are 16 weeks old.

What should my puppy be vaccinated against?

At a minimum, your puppy should be vaccinated against parvo, hepatitis and canine distemper. Kennel cough is also strongly recommended, and if you have rats around your property they should also be vaccinated against Leptospirosis.

Microchipping & Registration

My puppy has already been microchipped, does that mean they are registered too?

No, microchipping and registration are different things – if your puppy has already been microchipped a form will have been sent to your local council by whoever implanted the microchip identifying you as the owner – the council should send you a letter about registration a few weeks to months later. You can also register your pet online via the NSW pet registry – https://www.petregistry.nsw.gov.au/#/ (assuming council has received the paperwork).

How often do I need to pay their registration?

Only once – if you desex your pet by the recommended age (6 months for a dog, 4 months for a cat) the fee will be greatly reduced.

How do I change my puppy’s details to mine?

Normally the breeder will have change of ownership forms for you to fill out when you purchase the puppy and that form gets sent to council – we can also provide you with this form if you haven’t filled one out already

What age should I microchip my puppy?

Puppies are microchipped from 6 – 8 weeks of age.


When can I have my puppy desexed?

Puppies generally can be desexed and are recommended to be desexed from 5.5 – 6 months of age. For certain breeds of dogs we may recommend that they are older  – please call us to discuss further if needed.

Can I have a discount on my puppy’s desexing?

Unfortunately not as desexings are already done at a discounted price.

Does my puppy require ongoing pain relief after desexing?

It is not mandatory however they will experience some discomfort for at least a few days after surgery and therefore it is nice for them to have a few days of pain relief at home.

How long does my puppy need to be kept quiet after desexing?

Ideally, until their stitches are removed – this is 10 days after surgery.

Can my male puppy still impregnate an intact female if he has been desexed?

Yes within the first 3 -4 weeks – so, therefore he should still be separated from any females on heat within this time frame.

Will my puppy be different after they desexed?

Your puppy should no longer display any hormone driven behaviours.

Why should I get my puppy desexed?

There are many health benefits with desexing your dog – the only reason you shouldn’t is if you are planning to breed from them.


How often should I feed my puppy?

Depending on how old your puppy is they can be fed 2 – 3 times a day (3 times if younger).

What should I feed my puppy?
We recommend a good quality puppy dry food as we know this will be completely balanced with all the ingredients in the correct ratios to give them the best chance at growing correctly (this is even more important for large breed puppies).  Royal Canin and/or Hill’s are our top recommendations for brand.
Does my puppy need to have wet food too?

If you have your puppy on a good quality puppy dry food they do not need anything else.

Should I feed my puppy bones?

Our recommendation is no – especially to cooked bones, but even raw bones if not chewed up properly can cause problems anywhere in the digestive tract.

Intestinal Worming

Is intestinal worm prevention the same as heartworm prevention?

No, they are different –intestinal worms can be spread between puppies, heartworm is spread via infected mosquitoes – some products will cover both but not all.

How often do I need to intestinal worm my puppy?

Every 2 weeks until they are 12 weeks old, then monthly until they are 6 months old, then every 3 months.

What should I use to intestinal worm my puppy?

We recommend Fenpral.

Flea Prevention

What is safe to use on my puppy for flea prevention?

Advantage can be used on puppies younger than 8 weeks of age, otherwise, we recommend NexGard which is safe from 8 weeks of age (assuming weight at least 2kg).

How often should I use flea prevention on my puppy?

Advantage can be done every 2 weeks if needed for flea control otherwise every 4 weeks and Nexgard is always every 4 weeks.

Tick Prevention

What should I use on my puppy for tick prevention?

NexGard is safe from 8 weeks of age.

How often does my puppy need tick prevention?

If you use NexGard it is monthly, the interval will depend on the product – please call us if you require more specific advice.


Does my puppy need heartworm prevention?

Yes – heartworm is carried by mosquitoes and thus if an infected mosquito bites your dog they are susceptible. Heartworm disease can be deadly as the worms lodge in the base of the heart.

What are my options for heart worm prevention for my puppy?

Heartworm can be prevented by what ends up being an annual injection (12week old first dose, 6 month old booster, the next dose is given with their first adult vaccination at about 15 months of age and then yearly always); otherwise, you must use a monthly product that covers heartworm and you cannot miss a dose.


How do I toilet train my puppy?

Toilet training can be very tricky in puppies particularly if it is raining! The most important thing to remember is positive reinforcement is the key – any time they toilet appropriately (in the place you want them to) – reward them both verbally and with a treat. Everyone in the house must do this and this consistency will help your puppy learn. It is also important to remember that when they have an accident to not rouse on them or make too big a deal of it as they will still see this as some form of attention. To try and reduce the number of accidents they have if you are them you should take them out first thing in the morning, last thing at night before bed and every couple hours through the day.

How do I get my puppy to stop biting?

Puppies are teething and their little sharp teeth can hurt! If they bite you it is best to not say too much but pick them up and put them in another room where they can’t see you. If they are quiet, go in and reward them (both verbally and with a treat) and let them out, otherwise, ignore them until they are quiet.  This will teach them that good behavior will be rewarded.

When can my puppy start puppy school?

The best age for puppies to learn and be socialised is between 10-14 weeks of age. At our puppy school as long as they have had at least their vaccination and they are of an appropriate age we are happy for them to begin.

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