Fleas, Ticks & Worms
Preventative health care for your pet
During the warmer months, many animals suffer from flea infestations and are quite often allergic to them and so they become very itchy. In severe cases animals can also become anaemic as fleas suck blood.
This problem is easily prevented by using a reliable effective flea prevention – our recommended product is NexGard for dogs (safe from 8 weeks of age) and Bravecto Plus for cats (safe from 9 weeks of age).

Tick Paralysis
Ticks are a problem for dogs, cats and other species during the warmer times of the year particularly if they frequent bushy/coastal areas. The paralysis tick takes a minimum of three days to induce toxicity where signs of illness then become apparent. If your pet is experiencing weakness/wobbliness in the back legs, vomiting, coughing, change in tone of bark or meow, please bring them in immediately for assessment.

Intestinal Worms
Intestinal worms are mainly a problem for young cats and dogs, however for goats, sheep and alpacas they are a significant risk at any age. Regular worming with reliable products is the key. In general if your pet/animal has intestinal worms they will lose weight/condition, sometimes be anaemic (evident by a pale gum colour), and experience vomiting (where able) and diarrhoea.

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